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[生活情感] 【EXPOSE IT】(暴露它)

 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-15 03:54:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  暴露它2 ?1 e: l4 T. m7 d" e8 L(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
  尽管她疲惫欲眠,汉娜还是可以感觉她的阴唇开始膨胀。9 _% X+ y0 g. L: s5 L. t* u9 t" o(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
  虽然可能只是偶尔的犯贱,但是汉娜有过别人无法可比的多次性高潮!!!4 e; k6 o' d5 e2 @  R(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
  虽然她只是个普通相貌的37岁女人,但汉娜有着极度发育的阴唇,任何能幸2 N% \6 J. E, l! _' p(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
/ g: o' p8 T5 O# ]% b" J( l$ T  当她有冲动的时候,汉娜有强烈的欲望展现她的阴户,哪怕是对任何人。而
( _7 M; ?% E& M  R且这些年以来她已经发展到仅靠暴露自己的阴户给任何一双饥渴的眼睛就能获得% U) j, Y; ~' A7 h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
高潮。只要想到有人正在看她的私密之处,她的阴道就会自己充血,获得高潮!* R) M: w" c5 x, |( ~6 w(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
+ A. a& p+ r0 V  b  坐进她的私人办公室中的皮椅,汉娜通过对讲器要求了布伦达进入她的办公' m7 T+ ?* _" G(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
室并且叫上史蒂文海格。在史蒂文的书桌前,布伦达说," 大老板要我们立刻去
  ]3 B3 o: a  A$ q* _  R6 r+ \她的办公室,我打赌你能猜到她要什么," 她顽皮的嘻嘻做笑!史蒂文跳起来朗
8 m% @$ X( S" z/ o" l0 U% ^声说," 那好,我们就不应该让她久等,我紧随你之後,女士," 他边说边弯腰3 a7 _# g8 y- G1 d. N6 ~(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
. x* I$ h. }2 b! D+ s  当布伦达和史蒂文敲门而入的时候,汉娜正在大声的呻吟。当他们迈步进来
6 l% |, M+ t1 ]4 L+ A5 l( @的时候,首先看见的是她下身赤裸叉开双腿地坐在她的书桌前。她的阴唇修的光3 |1 h% x: z1 w3 S3 }(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
# a7 m- I, r4 T$ ]头来。布伦达和史蒂文一言不发,径直坐到汉娜身前的两张椅子上,看着身前欲, w* E' W5 R; u; P8 S3 y& C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
求过度的阴户。汉娜脸上掠过一抹绯红,呼吸变得沉重,她的高潮正在接近。汉' E- d1 S, v! _- C(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
娜略带害羞的喃喃道:" 你们喜欢我的阴户吗,它变得火热,我已经无法忍受了!0 W: ?: \, b$ i" J  U/ h(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
“布伦达和史蒂文都点头说是,他们非常爱她的阴户!接近高潮的汉娜嘶哑的呻! D: y/ I4 S, \- T: O(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
吟到" 快,让我看你们的性器,我现在就要!!!"7 [4 t  s' o7 z8 @4 ?( h  W(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
; i9 M0 u( ]% S自己的下体。史蒂文也把长裤褪到膝盖,扯下内裤,露出他毛茸茸的大腿,向两
9 A! w, s' P" J, x个女人展示他直立的阴茎!汉娜看着眼前坚挺的阴茎和潮湿的阴户高声地呻吟,
' M% a, z; {9 T" 史蒂文,从后面狠狠的干她!“布伦达的腿象是湿面条一样开始发软,她也开
" g4 L6 w) d) ]; r! M始有强烈的欲望,象从前一样,当史蒂文从后面开始干她的时候,她将会有一个
$ b! Y" _3 q4 z3 M令人眩晕的性高潮!, w0 b% Z3 H" h  f8 V  i(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
4 Q4 y8 R! X) b9 ?得死去活来的样子。当他阴茎进入布伦达爱穴的同时,汉娜的阴道一阵紧缩,把
0 z4 r7 d  C  A5 S# Q3 c) \她带进高潮的漩涡里!布伦达激烈的兴奋来自背后对她窄小阴户的冲击,而汉娜
( D7 _) ?# C4 F% O, G7 n的只靠看与被看就可以获得同样的兴奋。当史蒂文从布伦达淫水四溢的阴户抽出
$ c) H2 K' L, Y他的阴茎的时候,汉娜的阴道仍然在兴奋的抽搐。
+ ~6 S+ j. I* _+ C  史蒂文心知肚明,凑到汉娜的两腿之间。" 哦,宝贝," 汉娜幽幽的说,"
4 C2 n4 T) Q3 o. }) r8 z给妈妈吸个爽!" 史蒂文的嘴凑到汉娜的阴户上,上下地舔她湿热的细缝。他总( W( G3 R0 p, m# E7 D! H, W$ R/ Z(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
是惊讶於她的阴户分泌的液体数量,很快他的整个脸都被女人阴部的汁水湿透!. M9 |5 m8 S) S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
" 就这样, "汉娜呻吟着" ,让妈妈的阴户爽一爽,让它高潮,她想要!史蒂文
3 x$ b: _  d# }2 G8 K: U1 Q在小而挺立的阴蒂周围用舌头轻弹。
9 O" ]2 r9 W5 X5 x  当史蒂文给女老板口交的同时,布伦达也在为汉娜上演一场自慰秀。她爱看
  w' p- r% g6 V/ y$ P其他人玩弄他们的私处,尤其是布伦达,因为她总是有强烈的高潮,很像自己,; H3 p3 d# a# R(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
渴求性的满足!当她们曾在一起喝咖啡的时候,两个女人互相吐露,她们每天至) V8 C; D- e5 S; S(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
少需要二个激烈的性高潮!许多次汉娜叫布伦达进她的办公室互相自慰,欣赏彼0 {0 Y& Z" t6 k. [(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
7 P9 b( P$ q& G& u  当史蒂文还在吃自己的下体,汉娜突然有冲动想看史蒂文八寸长的阴茎塞在/ l. |; u, L1 L- W  \: u(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
布伦达的嘴里!她软软的低声说," 把它放进你嘴里,让我看你好好的吸它!“: h* u: S3 x6 h- q+ ~' |' `(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
, u2 k' }) f- U2 ?: y3 o3 |达是口交天才,而且她全身心的投入的崇拜和爱护史蒂文的阳具。汉娜的阴蒂正
- k2 Z/ J' i, h1 D6 l/ |被史蒂文吃的欲仙欲死,当看见他巨大的阴茎塞满漂亮秘书的嘴里,又把她推倒2 F/ F7 P% B! p( W' G  X% H. @(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
7 f6 \) V2 W2 B5 b  史蒂文的阴囊一阵紧缩,一股热精射入他同事的嘴里!布伦达拼命的吞咽,4 M5 A# @" X. A, u1 ?* Z" N(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
还是赶不及喝下大量的精液,从嘴边溢出来滴在了地板上!布伦达自己的手指正8 R: q+ |* e% d1 F' k) l(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
在飞快的揉搓沾湿的阴蒂,嘴里突然的爆发引发了她的又一个颤抖的阴蒂高潮!  k! h1 r! ]. U; c2 ](欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
  当他们全都完事后,汉娜给了他们每人一个长吻,给每个性器也一个长吻。3 w' e! h9 Q+ B(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
  终于,她的阴户平静下来了。她也可以面对今天的日程安排了。然而,过不* }8 P) r# I2 |! O! C+ l(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
: F& t9 L# j+ n( r% E3 G  翻译by武松
' Y) L# N) e( Y8 Z==============================================
! m( D' A4 A( R# O% O* [英文原文:# Z" \" t7 [5 }(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
. n, ?* ^/ W/ v% C0 z* X$ T/ J' aHanna could feel her lips bulging even as she wiped the sleep from her tired eyes. It could be a curse at times, but Hanna had more orgasms than just about anyone she knew!!! Although she was just and average looking woman of thirty seven, Hanna had an overly developed set of lips on her vagina that always seemed to bulge obscenely to whomever happened to fortunate enough to see them! When she got the urge, Hanna had an overwhelming desire to show her pussy to just about anyone, and over the years had developed the ability to have and orgasm by the mere exposure of her cunt to the hungry eyes of an attentive voyeur! Just knowing that someone could see her most intimate parts would make her pussy engorge itself with blood and then have and involuntary climax!!! Even though she felt the need for sexual gratification, it was getting late and Hanna had to get to work.
. f/ R% i; l9 X% L: h2 W9 l' jSettling into the large leather chair in her private office, Hanna pushed a button on her intercom and asked Brenda to come into her office and bring Steven Haig along with her. Stopping at Steve's desk Brenda said, "The big boss wants us in her office pronto, I bet you can guess what she wants," she smirked slyly! Steve hopped to his feet and announced grandly, "Well let's not keep her majesty waiting, after you madam," he said while bowing stiffly at the waist! Brenda gave a sharp knock on the big wooden door and entered with Steven when Hanna called out. What they first saw when they got inside was Hanna sitting on the front edge of her desk with her legs spread wide apart and her panties off! Her pussy lips, shaved silky smooth, were full and in an obvious state of sexual excitement! Moisture glistened along the length of her crack, and the head of her erect clit could be seen poking it's head through the folds of her cunt lips. Both Brenda and Steven knew the drill, and sat down in the two chairs immediately in front of Hanna, and while no one said a word, both of the two employees sat transfixed at the sight of the over sexed vagina not more than two feet away from them! By now Hanna had a flushed look on her face, and her breathing was becoming quite labored as her climax approached! In a halting voice Hanna stammered, "Do you like my pussy, it's so fucking hot I can't stand it!?!" Both Brenda and Steven nodded and replied that yes, they loved her pussy very much! Hanna, now rushing to her orgasm croaked, "Please, show me your genitals, I must see them right now!!!" Brenda had already slipped off her panties, so it was just a matter of pulling up her skirt and slightly spreading her legs to give her boss a good look at her twat, while Steven on the other hand stood up and let his trousers fall to his ankles, and then in one quick motion shoved his boxer shorts down his hairy thighs, exposing his big erection to both women! Hanna moaned loud and long at the sight of the hard cock and dripping cunt before her, and true to her usual procedure, she said, "Okay Steven, bend her over and take her from behind, really fuck her hard!!!" Brenda's legs were the consistency of wet noodles, and it was all she could do to keep from falling over as she was by now as turned on as Hanna, and from past experience, she knew that when Steve plunged into her, she would have a stunning orgasm! Hanna loved watching the two young people having sex, especially seeing Brenda being overcome with orgasm after orgasm while being impaled by Steven's huge erection! Almost the second his cock disappeared into Brenda's dark love canal, Hanna's vagina contracted and sent her spiraling off to a thundering climax! Brenda's orgasm came as the result of a massive assault on her tight little pussy, while Hanna's came from simply watching and being watched.
7 T* d7 A0 k: E1 m8 e( S4 @% T6 }Hanna's pussy was still twitching from her orgasm when Steven let his cock slip from Brenda's drooling cunt. Steven knew the drill by heart, and took up his position between Hanna's thighs. "Okay, baby," Hanna said soothingly, "give mama a good sucking!" Steven's mouth attached itself to Hanna's oversized pussy and licked up and down the length of her steaming crack. He always was amazed at the amount of liquid her pussy secreted, and soon his entire face below the eyes was drenched in cunt juice! "That's the way," Hanna cooed, "make mama's pussy feel nice, make it cum for her, she needs it so badly!!!" Steve bored in harder, flicking his tongue on and around the erect little clit that stuck out through the abundance of cunt flesh. All the time Steven was orally servicing the boss, Brenda was putting on a masturbatory exhibition for Hanna. She loved seeing others playing with their private parts, and Brenda was especially enjoyable to watch in that she always came so very hard, and in a lot of ways Brenda was like herself, that being in great need of sexual satisfaction! Once when they were having coffee together, both women confided that they needed at least two orgasms a day just to keep the edge off!!! On many occasions Hanna had asked Brenda into her office for a little voyeuristic hand play, and both of them loved seeing the others plump pussy in the throes of a crashing climax!& F2 v, ]) r+ h, g. b2 `+ G4 g(欢迎访问avcar:https://avcar.vip)
While Steven was feeding on Hanna's muff, she all at once had the urge to see Steven's eight inches in Brenda's mouth! In a soft almost in audible voice she said, "Take him in your mouth dear, let me see you suck him off!" Brenda slid down to the floor and positioned herself in a way that Hanna could see the big cock sticking into her mouth. Brenda was a born cocksucker, and she absolutely adored orally servicing Steven's thick pecker! Hanna groaned as Steven worked her clit into a frenzy, and the mere sight of his big erection in the pretty secretary's mouth was enough to push her over another orgasmic cliff! Steven's nut sack tightened and he unleashed another torrent of cum, but this time into the waiting mouth of his cocksucker colleague! Brenda swallowed quickly, trying to keep up with the spurting cum faucet, but with the huge amount of cum filling her mouth, some of it dribbled down her chin and onto the floor! Brenda's own finger was flying over her well lubricated clit, and the sudden eruption of cum in her mouth caused her pussy to quiver in a huge clitoral climax!!!
: \1 V$ d2 ~1 i5 D8 L9 F2 e+ X  B8 [When they were all finished, Hanna had each of them stand in front of her so that she could give them a full kiss on the lips, as well as a long suck on each of their genitals! Finally her cunt was calmed down and she was able to face the day's schedule, but it would only be a matter of time, however, until she picked up the phone and summoned her two favorite employees for another session!

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